Ministry Team
Elder Pastor Carlos Lawson & Teacher Renee Lawson
Elder Carlos Lawson was born in the southern part of West Virginia in a small town named Princeton. God blessed him with two parents who loved the Lord and were faithful to a small local Church referred to as The Original Glorious Church of God in Christ. He accepted Christ at the age of 12 and was filled with God’s Holy Spirit.
After being very active in his local Church in West Virginia, he relocated to Alexandria, Virginia in June of 1981, where he attended his sister’s Church, Bethlehem Baptist in Alexandria. In 1987, he met his wife, Elizabeth Renee’ Once they were married, Carlos started attending the Church that Renee’ had been a member of since she was 18 years old - Prosperity Baptist Church in Chantilly, Virginia. Through this union, God has blessed them with three children Loshika, Carlos, and Carnee.’ As a family, they have remained faithful servants to the Church under two separate pastors.
In 1998, Carlos accepted his call into the Ministry of God’s Holy Word. Under Church of the Redeemed International Ministries, he was licensed and later ordained. In April of 2000, he was installed as Senior Pastor of Prosperity Baptist Church.
God is continuing to take Prosperity; a Church founded and established over 100 years ago, forward to accomplish the purpose He pre-ordained before the foundation of the world. On fire for God with a great vision, Elder Lawson is honored and privileged to lead this Church to its’ God-ordained destiny.
Christian Education: Christian Life School of Theology